Burgess Transistor History

The History of the Transistor by Mark P. D. Burgess

[  Editor's Note:  From 2008 to 2011 Mark began to study and document the history of early semiconductors, not only the technical developments, but also the commercialization of the technology by the many companies involved.  This became invaluable to both researchers and collectors.  His papers are reproduced here, with permission, with just minimal format changes.  All of this information is copyrighted Mark P. D. Burgess, New Zealand, and this site only hopes to mirror and preserve this important technical information.  If there are any concerns regarding copyright or ownership of any images or materials, please email us at info@techarc.com  ]

Preface from Author:

I have been interested in collecting artefacts of early technology for many years and post the 50th anniversary of the invention of the transistor and the explosion of published material celebrating the early years of the transistor have become interested in collecting early transistor memorabilia. Unlike other early technologies I have collected I am part of the transistor generation having been born the year the point contact transistor was announced by Bell Laboratories and having purchased as a teenager some real examples of early transistor technology and used them to build radios and other electronics.

Professionally I am interested in the commercialisation of research and the story of the development of semiconductor technology is a remarkable example of this.

You are welcome to be in touch. I am at markpdburgess@gmail.com 

Three early and collectable point contact transistors...

Western Electric A1698 

STC 3X101N

Mullard OC51 

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